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master's degree in continuing education in oral surgery, implantology and periodontology

Alicante - September 2024

Master of Continuing Education in Oral Surgery, Implantology and Periodontics

Leadership: Dr. Sergio Cacciacane
Starting date: 13 September 2024
Number of places: 20 maximum
Course offering: Classroom-based – Alicante
Type of training: Master of Lifelong Learning

Training programme

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Our degree was created with the aim of providing all the scientific, technical and practical knowledge necessary to carry out surgical and restorative activity with the maximum guarantees, leading to the success of your treatments and consequently to the wellbeing of patients, always based on ethical treatments agreed by the scientific community.

It consists of 14 modules, except August.

Theoretical and practical content, workshops and surgeries on patients supervised by our teaching team.

Estimated time load: 1500 hours distributed between face-to-face and non-face activities (Master’s thesis).
60 ECTS credits.

Development, presentation and defence of a Master’s thesis.

Optionally, presentations at scientific congresses will be proposed.

Who is it aimed at? Graduates in Dentistry and/or Stomatology.

Programme and timetable

All modules will start on Fridays at 10.00 a.m. and finish on Saturdays at 7.00 p.m. (Except for the surgical modules which start on Saturdays at 9.00 a.m.).

Dates: 13 and 14 September 2024

Welcome to the Master’s Degree.
Clinical history, legal aspects. Informed consent.
Radiological anatomy.
Physiology and bone availability.
Preparation of the surgical field.

Practical session: Recognition of structures in radiological images. Use of CBCT software.

Dates: 4 and 5 October 2024

Prints: Techniques and materials.

Classification and indications of implant prostheses.

Classification and indications of attachments in implantology.

Aesthetics, occlusion and functionality in implant prostheses.

Clinical-laboratory communication.

Complications and solutions in implant prostheses.

Presentation of case-problems by the teaching staff.

Practical session: Taking impressions and attachments on models.

Dates: 15 and 16 November 2023

Implant design. Types and indications. Surface treatment.



Elements of surgical boxes Nomenclature in implantology

Drilling protocols

Incisions and sutures.

Practical session: Workshop on drilling bioreplicas.
Incisions and sutures in animal models.

Dates: 20 and 21 December 2024

Pre-implant exodontics.

Alveolar preservation. Immediate implants.

Immediate loading.

Indications and contraindications in implant surgery.

Complications in implantology. Classification and management.

Practical session: Immediate implant placement workshop and alveolar preservation in models.
Clinical session: Reception of patients in the clinic.

Dates: 17 and 18 January 2025

Bone expansion in atrophic jaws.

Surgical technique

Management of complications.

Practical session: Workshop on bone expansion in an animal model.
Clinical session: Surgeries on patients.

  • Dates: 21 and 22 February 2025

    Maxillary sinus lift. Open and closed technique.

    Anatomy of the sinus.

    Surgical technique.

    Management of complications.

    Practical session: Sinus lift workshop on animal model.
    Clinical session: Surgeries on patients.

Dates: 28th and 29th March 2025

Horizontal and vertical guided bone regeneration.

Biomaterials. Types and indications.

Practical session: Workshop on horizontal and vertical bone regeneration in an animal model.
Clinical session: Surgeries on patients.

Dates: 25 and 26 April 2025

PRF: Applications and uses in implantology and oral surgery.
Venipuncture techniques.
PRF preparations. Membranes, sticky bone, exudates.
Perimplantitis. Causes, prevention and conservative and surgical treatment.

Practical session: PRF workshop among students.
Clinical session: Surgeries on patients.

Dates: 8 and 9 May 2025

Introduction to Oral Surgery.

Dental inclusions.

Tumours in the oral cavity.

Periapical surgery.

Practical session: All on four. Fundamentals of the technique, indications, clinical sequence and complications.
Clinical session: Surgery on patients.

Dates: 20 and 21 June 2025

Clinical, radiological and microbiological diagnosis in Periodontics.
Classification of periodontal diseases and aetiopathogenesis.
Periodontal prognosis.
Non-surgical periodontal treatment. Scaling and root planing techniques and antibiotherapy.
Periodontal surgery: respective and regenerative techniques.
Coronary lengthening.

Practical session: Workshop on animal model of flaps and sutures.
Clinical session: Surgery on patients.

Dates: 11 and 12 July 2025

Biological principles of mucogingival surgery.

Types of recession. Classifications.

Root coverage techniques. Unilaminar and bilaminar techniques.

Critical factors for success in periodontal plastic surgery.

Practical session: Workshop on root coverage techniques in an animal model.
Clinical session: Surgery on patients.

Dates: 19 and 20 September 2025

Prosthetic rehabilitation in atrophic jaws.

Diagnosis and planning according to bone atrophy.

Relation of the removable total prosthesis with the implanto-prosthetic resolution.

Overdentures and hybrid prosthesis.

Immediate loading prosthetic resolution. Biomechanics.

Immediate aesthetics vs. immediate loading.

Digital planning.

Practical session: Workshop on prosthetic resolution for immediate loading.
Surgery on patients. Digital.

Dates: 17 and 18 October 2025

Principles and fundamentals of occlusion and TMJ.

Treatments and corrections in prosthetic treatments according to occlusion and its relationship with TMJ.

Surgical clinic: Student surgeries validated in a clinical session.

Dates: 14, 15 and 16 November 2025

Presentation of the Master’s thesis before an examining board at the Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes (Valladolid).

End of Master’s Degree Dinner.